LIGHT LETTERS is an extended school residency with Nelson Park, and is part of the Northside project.
LIGHT LETTERS places the inner thoughts and voices of the young people at the front and centre, culminating in 2 publications: I EAT SHARKS; SHARKS EAT PEOPLE, and GIANT RUNNING IN CHILDS SHOES.
This project has thus far culminated in two zine publications, viewable below.
LIGHT LETTERS is supported by the Anthony Costa Foundation, Cassandra Gantner Foundation, Give Where You Live Foundation. Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund–an Australian Government initiative; the Department of Education Victoria through its StrategicPartnerships Program.
Back to Back Theatre is supported by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, itsprincipal artsinvestment and advisory body,the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, the City of GreaterGeelongand the Anthony Costa Foundation.