In 2015 ensemble member Scott Price worked with filmmaker, Rhian Hinkley and director, Tamara Searle, to turn his talent and zeal for digital media into an extension of his artistic practice at Back to Back Theatre, ultimately taking the form of a video blog.
People frequently ask Scott why the company has to make such provocative work, and whether he understands the work. Scott’s blog is attempt to answer those who might misunderstand provocation as merely shock tactics.
Publishing nine episodes in 2016, PRICE looks to challenge the vanilla perceptions people hold about individuals with disabilities and place new and existing online audiences in closer contact with the Back to Back ensemble.
PRICE was a Finalist in the 2016 Australian Multicultural Marketing Awards.
PRICE Scott Price
Director Tamara Searle
Videographer Rhian Hinkley
Production Manager Dans Maree Sheehan
Producer Ally Harvey
PRICE was developed with support from:
Australia Council, The Ministry for the Arts’ Catalyst – Australian Arts and Culture Fund, Creative Victoria and City of Greater Geelong.
Episode 1: PRICE vs. Vallejo Gantner
Episode 2: PRICE vs. Van T. Rudd
Episode 3: PRICE vs. Jason Tuazon-McCheyne
Episode 4: PRICE vs. Nicola Gunn
Episode 5: PRICE vs. Emma Valente
Episode 6: PRICE vs. Penny Arcade
Episode 7: PRICE vs. Jonathan Holloway