Come And Make Performance
CAMP is Back to Back Theatre’s annual weekend of delightfully ruthless theatre and art-making workshops for community members with and without disability who love, or are curious about, performance making.
No experience is necessary and new faces are especially welcome.
Back to Back Theatre has available positions each CAMP to offer emerging artists who are interested in processes for devising performances.
CAMP is a supportive and inclusive event. When you register, you have the opportunity to note any accessibility requirements you might have.
Back to Back Theatre is a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). If you receive support from the NDIA it might be possible to direct funds towards attending CAMP.
CAMP is supported by the Anthony Costa Foundation, Besen Family Foundation, Give Where You Live, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Percy Baxter Charitable Trust, John T Reid Charitable Trust, Winifred and John Webster Charitable Trust Fund the Department of Social Services.
Back to Back Theatre is supported by Australia Council for the Arts, Creative Victoria and City of Greater Geelong and acknowledges the support of the Department of Education & Training, Victoria, through the Strategic Partnerships Program.
CAMP 2025 is coming! Stay tuned